2a. Prepare hardware to be ready for Pairing / Inital Setup / Build Máy

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This article is a guide to preparing hardware for pairing: terminals, printers, and tablets.

  1. Terminals:
    • Pax terminals are similar to other POS. Please set up it with tip prompts, and turn off the tip select (most of the merchants request so). Set them up to be used with external POS and TCP/IP Connect. The terminal should have the same subnet as the PC. 
    • For Clover:  please set up tip on the tablet, no tip suggestion, make sure it has the same subnet as the PC. Install the network-secured pay display, move the icon to the first page so the user is easy to find and turn the app on. 
    •  Turn the app on, go to the menu option: make sure the line server secured is on, Set  Token valid in 999 days, reconfigure server, then start the server,  note down the ip address
    • There might be case the server fails to start, please reboot the terminal by scroll down from the top and reboot the terminal
  2. Printer:
    • Go to menu start: type Printer & SCANNER -> Choose the printer -> printer properties: Preference:, make sure the media set to “No Cash Drawer”
  3. Tablets:
    • Connect to the store wifi, install the checkin app from the link https://lk.macmarketing.us/abc .
    • Make sure the alway wakes is on and turn off all notifications, do not disturb mode is highly recommended
    • The app will look up the POS by itself
  4. PC:
    • Core i3, 4gb ram or above
    • License Ready
    • The user is Local Admin and there is no space in the name (Prefer Abc user) , might need to create new user account
    • Install Java https://lk.macmarketing.us/java 
    • Install Rustdesk and take note user & ID, note on internal https://rustdesk.com/ 
    • Install Certificates through a certificate management
    • Action ->> import -> import both certificates inside folder system_exe into folder certificates of Trusted Root Certificates.  (its required for Clover Device pairing)
    • Instal Printer Driver
    • Make sure all notifications are turn off
    • In the power setting, have the system never sleep, and monitor turn off after 5 hours.
    • Login the one drive with the license created
    • The pos path will have something like C:\Users\[User]\OneDrive\system_exe, try to run the system_exe.jar to ensure everything is working , might need to wait a little bit for everything initially download
    • Then create shortcut for system_exe.jar  to desktop , change the name into “ABC Salon System”., and change icon into the ico file inside the C:\Users\[User]\OneDrive\system_exe 
    • Don’t forget to put the icon into the startup  folder, access through “Shell:startup” in command line
    • Stop windows update services by searching for Services in Start command
  5. Video will come in the future. Please come back later
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