6c. Setup Cash Discount vs Credit Card Surchage

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There is difference between cash discount vs Credit Card Surchage
With ABC Salon System: Cash Discount equal TRUE cash discount. That means if you set up cash discount at 3%, when customer paying a $100 service, customer will only pay $97 when paying by cash. (This funciton is legal every where) Other method will have to pay full price at $100.

Credit card surchage means it will add 3% into every transaction besides cash payment.  (This may not be legal in some states, so becare ful). The receipt will state Non-cash Adjustment with the line add 3% amount. So credit card user will have to pay $103.

The notice of cash discount can be get from this link https://macmarketing.us/rate-generator

Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RtwrRLe57OFy0BOy7WEzrUBTCojBe71y/view?usp=share_link

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