How to Convert and Import Super EZ Customer and Gift Cards Database

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Steps to follow:

  1. Extract the file to the folder D:\convert.
  2. Open the command line tool.
  3. Navigate to the folder where you extracted the file. You can do this by using the cd command in the command line. For example, if you extracted the file to D:\convert, you would type “cd D:\convert” in the command line.
  4. Run the following command to convert the customer database file to a format that can be imported into Nail_Data.db:

python datafuji.csv

  1. Run the following command to convert the gift card database file to a format that can be imported into Nail_Data.db:

python giftcardfuji.csv

  1. Run the following command to import the customer and gift card databases into Nail_Data.db:

python import Nail_Data.db datafuji_customer.csv datafuji_promotion.csv giftcardfuji_gift.csv

  1. Once the import is complete, you can copy the Nail_Data.db file to your database folder and start using it. You may want to backup your old Nail_Data.db file before copying the new one, just in case something goes wrong. You can do this by renaming the old file with “_old” at the end of the filename.
  2. That’s it! Once you know how to use the scripts, it should only take about 15 seconds to import your customer and gift card databases into Nail_Data.db.

For a visual guide, you can watch this video tutorial:


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